I break up my jobs into morning, afternoon, and night jobs. Actually, they're more like deadlines. And the quicker I get them done, the quicker I can move on to things I *want* to do, like...anything else.
So here's my list - I keep it on the fridge:
By 10 am:
Beds made...now this is easier because the kids make their own beds
Cat litter...scoop it. I try to do this first thing because no one likes to get ready in the bathroom with a stinky cat box
Dishes away...from out of the dishwasher
Bathroom surfaces...tub, sink, toilet, and anything else that has gross stuff on it - in both bathrooms. Just wipe it off and make it look clean. I use diluted Mr. Clean w/Febreeze - the green kind. Smells good.
Laundry started...just one load
By 2 pm:
Laundry put over...into the dryer. Our dryer doesn't have a buzzer, and it's in the basement, so I always forget, which is why this has to be on the list
Floors vacuumed
Kitchen surfaces...table cleared off, counters cleared off, everything wiped, sink reasonably clean, floor decent
Job-o-the-day...whatever "big" job needs to be done the most. Can include: mop kitchen & bathrooms, wash the slipcovers, wipe down walls (crayons, boogers, whatever), deep-clean the bathrooms, seriously clean the kitchen, do windows, ummm, you know, things like that
By 8 pm: that's the time the kids are in bed and I can relax!!!
Laundry put away
Cat litter ...we have two cats, so there's double the cat poop
Run dishwasher...and pray that no one feels like snacking on anything messy later on
Basket emptied...I have a basket in the kitchen that catches all kinds of
So that would be that. My house is a lot better for it. It's unusual (not impossible) for things to get so messy that it's just horrible. It pretty much stays under control if I'm doing these little things every day. It doesn't take up TOO much of my precious time. ;)
OH, and I'm working on never having to scoop litter again. No, I'm not making Abby do it (even though she wants to! Go figure.) Here's my experiment of the month....I'm about halfway (1 1/2 weeks) into the process...
Yes, that's right...you better believe it! If this works, I swear, it will have been easier than potty training EITHER of the kids. It's working great so far. Just call me Robert DeNiro in Meet the Parents.