Monday, January 4, 2010

Snow Days

We are celebrating the first day back to school with...a snowday.  Normally I'd be super-excited about this, but it's sort of like having a blizzard on a Saturday - what a waste!  I would rather have a snowday on a day that we really "needed" it.  Oh well, we're having fun anyway.  And the laziness continues....

Anyway, I'm terrible at keeping this blog updated.  My own MOTHER is constantly on the verge of un-bookmarking me because of all my old & un-updated posts.  ;)  (Really, though, she is.)  ha ha!  (No, really.)  Here are some pics to tide everyone over.  I think I did promise them.  But here's the thing: like an idiot, I didn't really get many good "Christmas Day" pics.  I just forgot?  We were having a nice time together and I just kind of forgot to take pics of it all!  We did get a few cute ones.  Oh, and then, Greg gave me a new digital camera, so then I was playing with that for the rest of the day...just taking pics of whatever, enjoying the megapixelage.  I went from 4 to 12.2 - happy day!!! 

So here's a little recap of was a really fun month this year.

Our first "real" tree - I don't think we're going back to artificial again!

Abby got a haircut - at her own request!  I was kinda sad, but we all agree that it's really cute and fits her personality...and is SO much easier to brush.  I don't get accused of pulling her hair on purpose anymore!!!

Nolan's shiner - he had an unfortunate encounter with the coffee table one very snowy night....I was amazed that we didn't need to go to the ER (and very thankful) - he hit his head, and then 2 days later his whole eye turned black!  You can't see it too well here but he looked like a glam rocker for about a week.  Poor little guy.

Christmas morning - this was out in our yard.  I thought Greg did it; he thought I did it...someone just put it there!  Too funny.  

Christmas Day in new PJ's :)

playing in the snow with Daddy

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