First and foremost, I have to say, probably my fav part of this whole thing was seeing the kids do their first lemonade stand. Abby has had it on the calendar for literally the better part of a year. Really. She put it on the calendar back sometime in ought nine. My involvement was on an as-needed basis. I supplied the lemonade & cups...the kids really did the rest.
Here's a closeup of the sign Abby made. I didn't help her at all. It's in the "keeper" pile already!
When a customer came to their table, Nolan's job was to get a cup and give it to Abby, who would then fill the cup to a certain level, depending on whether they were a kid or a "gron-up." I gave them about $2 in quarters in case they needed to make change. I guess I should have explained this concept of "change" in a little more detail. I was standing there when a kid came up and gave Abby a quarter. She poured his lemonade, then asked him if he wanted a quarter back in change. I then swooped in and did a little money's actually hard to explain when you have to explain it!
We also tried to sell some of those blasted Sheetz MTO coupons, with very little success. Then some annoying little punk spilled lemonade all over them, with his punk grandfather standing right there, who did nothing about it. As I was mopping them off, laying them out in the sun to try to dry, I looked Old Punk in the eye and asked him if he would like to buy a few (more as a statement, not so much as a question, if you know what I mean), and he actually said to me, "no, that's OK, I already have some of those at home." I feel my blood pressure rising again. Moving on....
This was also the weekend for the annual "Belmont Community Yard Sale" - which just happened to be on the other side of the road from our sale. On Saturday, Greg stayed at our sale with the kids and I was able to sneak away for a while. Let me put it this way: I hit about 15-20 sales, in the SAME neighborhood, in about 1.5 hours. By myself! No kids to drag around and falsely promise, "just one more, just one more." Sweeeeet! Just a few of my finds...
That's a Ralph Lauren bag...$1. Workout video, $2 (a little steep, I know). Sweet little plate, .15. Pair of birdie chalkware plaques - free! I rescued them from Greg's "to sell" pile. But I would have paid the $1, had I found them. :) I feel like I'm missing something....I can't remember. I also got several books, but that's not very exciting. Well, it was exciting to me, but...oh whatever.
Edited to add: Oh yeah! I remember what else I got. Some new-ish Tupperware pieces for $1 each. So new you can buy them out of a current catalog, new. They're in my dishwasher at the moment. Because I really need more Tupperware. Really. Half of the catalog is just not enough. Greg is thrilled, by the way.
I took some pics with my phone while out & about....maybe you'll get a kick out of them like I did...
heaven, I'm in heaven...
Uhhh, ok...
Here is a book I picked up to look at....
and here was the inscription on the back cover.
Also overheard (and only in Johnstown would you hear this conversation):
- "I think it's time for a gob."
- "oh, is it lunchtime already?"
- "no, but it can still be breakfast!"
those are some great finds, glad your yard sale went well!