Thursday, November 12, 2009

The week in review

Finally, our internet is back up!  And we didn't get such a bad deal for the inconvenience...we were without service for a week, but Verizon is giving us a month's credit on our account.  I can deal with that!  But now that I am a "blogger" (sounds so nerdy), it was a pain not being able to update my little site.  I had so much to talk about.  I'll give the quick rundown....potential titles only; the content can be up to your imagination:

* Underwear shopping with Nolan, or, "Mommy, you're fat! Hahahahahahaha!!!!"

* Why do old people think they just rule the world

* There's a fine line between "chic" and "1st grade arts & crafts project", and I'm teetering on the edge

* Choco-NOT-a-lotta

* I have more clients now than I did when I was actually working

 * The Makeover

I'm so excited about the makeover one, I'll give you a hint!

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