Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Feast your eyes on THIS!

Just look at this beautiful green loveliness!  I vowed the first time I made this (maybe a week or so ago), never to buy a packet of guacamole mix again, ever, ever, ever.  I don't think I could ever go back.  We went to Chili's yesterday and of course I had some guac, and I thought, ewMine is so much better than this flavorless mush!  I can't really even take credit for anything; I just found the recipe online.  I didn't change a thing - well, I left out the onion.  That's it.  

Do yourself a favor and make this.  Here's the recipe:
Just mush up (but not too much!) the avocados, lime juice, & salt.  I use my pastry blender because it feels lonely & useless sometimes when I'm not on one of my pie kicks.  But you could also use a fork just fine.  Then chop up & add everything else, and stir in in.  The fresher the ingredients, the better.  I really shouldn't be telling anyone how easy this is.  

Do yourself another favor and get at least one of these:
Tupperware FridgeSmart containers are the bomb.  I don't even sell it, I just love these containers!  That cilantro & parsley in there?  It's like 2 weeks old.  Not a hint of wilting, spotting, or anything gross - just fresh & green, like the day I bought it. 

Thanks to my friend Heidi who taught me this little trick: to keep your guac from turning brown, do this:
Put plastic wrap over it, and push it down onto the dip so that no air can get in.  This really works.  I've tried other things in the past, but it always turns brown.  This really works.  I believe I said that already.  This particular recipe I think stays nice and green for a long time because of all the lime juice in it.  But the plastic wrap thing doesn't hurt either. 

And just so you know, Greg thinks I'm insane for taking pics of my guacamole.  He walked into the kitchen as I was doing it.  I can't say that I didn't feel just a little stupid.  No, not stupid....well yeah, kinda stupid.  Oh well.  He should expect these kinds of things after almost 9 years. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Gonna party like it's my berfday

Announcement: yesterday's pity party is now over.

On to more pressing matters.  Like me, having a birthday!  The big 3-5.  I have no problems with that.  Greg took the day off, and I plan to do a few things:
paint my toenails....check.  did it last night.  Do you like my flip-flop tan? 

finish this.  My first one was shot all to heck.  And we have company coming this weekend!  So while it's really not my first choice of things to do, I really need to get it done.  

On my crafty blog, I put up a cute little orange/zebra print bag.  This is going to be bag #2...for Abby!  

fill this up with soil and veggies!  (after putting down some weed fabric)  This is the 4x4 "square foot garden" frame that I built by myself.  I am so proud of it!  I can't wait to get my veggie garden going...hopefully the rain holds off today!

Woooooo-hooo!  It's the restaurant I picked for tonight.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Vent alert: you've been warned

I'm so stinkin' ovewhelmed!!!!  Too much going on right now.  Too much that I haven't done that I meant to do and now I feel really bad about not doing.  Too much @#$%& month at the end of the money.  Too much to plan for, not enough of what I need to do it right.  Too much to do just today alone!  Too much on my shoulders that really shouldn't be there in the first place, but somehow it is.

Do I need a vacation?  Yes.  Am I going to get one?  No. 

Pity party anyone?  Sorry. : /