Friday, December 11, 2009

To Do: Friday

- get boughs off the front porch & out of the car & hang on fence...before Christmas is actually over

- take stuff to the attic/ that The Child (beloved stepson) has cleared a walking path from his door to the attic door

- change out the kitchen shelf-y thing...replacing our stupid-looking shoe rack (I really do think it's a shoe rack) with a pretty, respectable-looking shelf - thanks Mom.  Since there are no actual storage elements built into the kitchen.  And I am not frustrated at all by this, not at all.  Old houses are so darn CHARMING!

- finish the candles in the windows...since last night I was too afraid to go up to the dark attic alone - I swear I heard something up there!!!

- hang the mistletoe ball...after I *find* it

- plan next week's meals (did it - mark that one off the list)

- pick out cookies to make...not a clue what I want to do.  But I'm having a cookie exchange at my house in a mere WEEK and it would look pretty pathetic if I didn't have any made

- grocery shopping...don't forget the cat litter

- Jo-Ann's...for fleece, floral wire, silver thread (yay, fun!!!), & kids crafts

- the kitchen store in the replace my crappy, wooden, 10-year old, dollar-store rolling pin that now officially does more damage to the dough than good...maybe a nice heavy marble one won't be as expensive as I'm thinking it probably will be. Here's hoping! I go.  Wish me luck!!!  

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